
Zespół Szkół nr 3 im. Marii Dąbrowskiej w Puławach, Pulawy


Zespół Szkół nr 3 im. Marii Dabrowskiej w Puławach is a secondary school  with 400 students, situated in the centre of  Poland, Pulawy 100 km from Warsaw, the capital city. There are 42 teachers and 7 members of school administration. The population of  Pulawy is about 49 thousand. Puławy is famous for its tourists attractions and it is situated within close neighbourhood to little towns Kazimierz Dolny, Nałęczów and Janowiec. . In secondary school we offer different class profiles for our students such as military classes, sport and tourism, pedagogy and psychology and journalist classes. In vocational school we have course vet and photography.

Presentations about our school: